

A Personal Contribution in the Battle Against COVID-19. A listing website for blood recipients to voice their needs. This project was initialized, built and deployed in a single day.

During the peak of the COVID-19 crisis in India in 2021, I launched locateplasma.com to provide a vital platform for those in need of blood plasma. With a simple yet effective design, the website enabled individuals to quickly and easily list themselves, expressing their urgent need for plasma. Through a streamlined process requiring just three clicks, users could input their basic details and verify their phone number via OTP, swiftly submitting their entry for inclusion in the listings. This initiative aimed to connect plasma donors with recipients efficiently, facilitating lifesaving assistance during a critical time of medical urgency.

Within just two days of its launch, the website received over 50 entries from individuals seeking plasma donations. While this number may seem small, I'm humbled by the opportunity to potentially assist even one person in need. Contributing to the community during such challenging times has been deeply fulfilling.

The website remained active for another six months, providing a crucial platform for those seeking plasma assistance. After this period, I made the decision to take down the main domain to ensure the safety and privacy of the information collected.