
Clinical Training Application

Simulation training in mammography with AI-generated images. My research intenship at IIT Delhi. This project was in collaboration with AIIMS Delhi. This was developed during my second year in college.

In the field of medical diagnostics, the integration of artificial intelligence and healthcare is demonstrating significant potential for transformative impact. My involvement in a pioneering project during my research internship at the renowned Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, in partnership with the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Delhi, exemplifies this intersection of innovation and collaboration. We were brought in to for the development and deployment of the web application component of our project, which aimed to leverage generative networks to augment the detection of breast cancer, marking a pivotal advancement in combating this widespread illness.


During my tenure with the project, I played a pivotal role in several key aspects:

  • Frontend Development: Development of a user-friendly React application, serving as the interface for our innovative diagnostic tool. The application's intuitive design ensured seamless interaction for medical professionals participating in the trial.

  • Infrastructure Configuration: Orchestrated the deployment of the backend infrastructure housing the generative adversarial network (GAN) model. Including integration with an NGINX reverse proxy, we optimized the system for scalability and performance.

  • Enhanced Backend Communication: Recognizing the need for efficiency, we made the transition of our backend GAN API from a socket-based communication protocol to a RESTful architecture. This refinement streamlined data transmission, facilitating faster and more reliable interactions between components.

  • User Management System: As part of our commitment to operational excellence, I conceptualized and implemented a robust user management system encompassing the entire application ecosystem.

Technology Stack

  • React: Frontend framework for building dynamic user interfaces.
  • TypeScript: Superset of JavaScript offering static typing for enhanced code reliability, maintainability, and developer productivity.
  • MongoDB: Flexible and scalable NoSQL database for managing complex data.
  • Node.js and Express: Backend JavaScript runtime and framework for building RESTful APIs.
  • NGINX: High-performance reverse proxy server for optimizing web traffic.
  • Python and Torch: Programming language and deep learning library for AI model development.
  • Flask: Lightweight web framework for building RESTful APIs in Python.
  • Conda: Environment management tool for creating and managing virtual environments and dependencies.
  • Linux: Stable and secure operating system for hosting server environments.